Armed Soldiers Marching to the Right

Free ebook: Death is Incidental, A Story of Revolution in Mexico by Heath Bowman and Stirling Dickinson

The writer, Heath Bowman, does not slow down to spell out the details of the two revolutions in this story. So the preface and introduction which add  some details about the settings which may be useful to you.

People have died to own land for generations around the world. Bowman asks us when these deaths are necessary. Would you join a revolution for more land and more food for your family if it might mean your death or the deaths of your friends and neighbors?

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1 reply
  1. Jim McCabe says:

    I never taught this book but I think that struggle of poor Mexicans for land in the 19th century is still relevant today. Students could compare struggle for land in Mexico with the political issues in the US today.

    What writing assignments did you use to push students to read the book in order to complete the writing assignments? The study guide at the beginning of the books suggests some writing assignments such as…

    As you will see in the book, the decisions about land have consequences. As a poor peasant in San Miguel in Mexico, would you have encouraged the Zapatista revolutionaries to attack the landowner, Don Fernando, as Juan did?

    A final question. How did your students like this book?


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